
German Embassy Muscat


Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany


Dirk Lölke, Ambassador




Diplomatic Area, Al-Khuwair, Jami'at Al-Duwal Al-Arabiah Street, Maskat.

Postal address

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, P.O. Box 337, 103 Bareeq Al-Shatti, Sultanate of Oman.

Administrative / consular district

Sultanate of Oman

Opening hours

The Consular Section is open Sunday to Thursday from 8.00 -11.00 am .

For the other sections only upon appointment.



+968 2469 1218


+968 2469 1278


Official language: Arabic

Note: Telephone calls or fax connection via satellite (Satcom) involve higher charges.

Note on barrier-free access

Accessibility information:

The Embassy supports people with disabilities and tries to make access easier for them within the framework of the structural conditions. For accessibility questions or if you need assistance, please contact us.

Access to the Embassy and consular department is barrier-free. There is parking directly in front of the entrance. All doors of the building are of sufficient width. Access to the Embassy is possible through a wheelchair ramp. The second floor of the Embassy is accessible by elevator. There is no structural or technical support for blind and partially sighted people. Toilets for disabled persons are available at the Embassy.

The German Embassy in Muscat will be closed on the following public holidays during 2025:

01.01 : New Year's Day

08.03 : International Women's Day

31.03 until 01.04.: Eid Al-Fitr

20 until 21.04.: Easter Holidays

08 until 09.06 : Eid Al-Adha

05.09 : Prophet's Birthday

03.10 : German Unity Day

18.11 : Omani National Day

25 until 26.12 : Christmas Holidays

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