
National Visa - Work visa in the case of partial recognition of vocational training (Section 16d Residence Act)

23.07.2023 - Article

If you would like to apply for a visa for measures regarding the recognition of foreign professional qualifications, please prepare the following documents:


Two (2) fully completed and signed applications including declarations pursuant to Section 54 Residence Act (see https://videx-national.diplo.de)


Two (2) recent biometric passport photos (see specimen photos)


Valid passport (personally signed and with at least two (2) completely empty pages)


Two (2) uncertified copies of the data page of your valid passport


Completed form signed by your employer: Declaration of employment (original and two (2) copies)


Notification by the German agency responsible for recognition of vocational qualifications on the need for adjustment or compensatory measures to establish the equivalence of the vocational qualification or to issue a work permit (original and two (2) copies)

More information on recognition: www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de


If stated in the deficit notification: registration for theoretical courses, in-company training measures (with further training plan) or exam preparation courses (original and two (2) copies)


If stated in the deficit notification: registration for assessment text and where applicable registration for preparatory course for the assessment test (original and two (2) copies)


If a German language course is planned as part of training: registration confirmation from the language school indicating the number of hours per week of the booked course (intensive course with at least 18 hours per week) and confirmation of payment of the course fee (original and two (2) copies)


Proof of qualification, for example, diplomas, certificates and proof of completion (original and two (2) copies)


Proof of German language skills (original and two (2) copies)
(As a rule at least A2, in the care and health sector at least B1)


At the request of the Embassy only, after general approval of the visa:

Proof of adequate health insurance cover

As an employee you are subject to mandatory statutory health insurance, you must bear in mind that this insurance can only begin when you take up residence in Germany and enter into employment. If you enter Germany beforehand, private health insurance must be taken out for the period prior to employment beginning and prior to being eligible for statutory health insurance. In its terms and conditions, travel health insurance can exclude protection if a long-term or permanent stay is planned. So-called incoming travel insurance can also contain such exclusions.


Proof of adequate financial means

To stay in Germany the applicant must have at their disposal at least 882 € net/1060 € gross per month. Proof of these means is to be provided in advance when the application is submitted. If a salary will not be received directly after entering Germany or if the salary is less than 818 € net per month, provision of the monthly shortfall of funds must be proven separately, for example, in the form of a blocked account.

In the case of financing in the form of a blocked account: Open the blocked account in time BEFORE you apply for a visa. When applying for a visa, only the official confirmation of the opening of the account including information on the amount paid in and the amount available per month will be accepted. A confirmation which does not include this information is not sufficient. Proof of lodgement or transfer of funds without the aforementioned confirmation from the bank is not sufficient.


Applicant of a nationality other than Oman

Proof of residence title/habitual abode by valid Omani residency card (original and two (2) copies)


Visa fee of 75 €. Must be paid in cash in OMR according to the current exchange rate.


Documents not in the German or English language must be submitted with a certified German translation. A translation of the personal data page of the passport is, however, not required. (For documents issued in Yemen: Please note that after the closure of the German Embassy in Sanaa, Yemeni documents can currently not be legalized by any German Embassy or Consulate).


Certificates, diplomas, etc. must be presented in the original with apostille/legalization. Your original documents will be returned to you once your application has been processed.


The visa must be approved by the Federal Employment Agency in Germany or the competent foreigners authority. The visa can only be issued when this approval has been received.


Processing time is as a rule approx. 4 weeks but can take longer in individual cases.


Flight reservations are not required to apply for a visa – please only book when you have received your visa.


The Embassy reserves the right to request further documents.


Missing documentation delays the procedure and can result in your application being rejected.

Please do not contact the Embassy to check the status of your application during the normal processing period. Such inquiries are extremely time-consuming for the visa section and can thus not be answered.


General information:

If your vocational training has not been fully recognized by the competent German agency, you can apply for a visa to complete the necessary training in Germany and at the same time start to work. After completion and full recognition of your training, you can apply for permanent residence in Germany.

Please note that some university degrees from foreign universities are classified as vocational training in Germany.

You can find out more about living and working in Germany at


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